
发布时间:2024-10-14 20:34:01    浏览:681

本文摘要:A team of researchers from the Microsoft Research Asia and Research Redmond announced that, when reporting and translating general news between Chinese and English, its RD machine translation system has reached the level of human professional translators.由微软公司亚洲研究院与雷德蒙研究院的研究人员构成的团队近日宣告,其研发的机器翻译系统在标准化新闻报道的中译英测试中,超过了人类专业译者水平。

A team of researchers from the Microsoft Research Asia and Research Redmond announced that, when reporting and translating general news between Chinese and English, its RD machine translation system has reached the level of human professional translators.由微软公司亚洲研究院与雷德蒙研究院的研究人员构成的团队近日宣告,其研发的机器翻译系统在标准化新闻报道的中译英测试中,超过了人类专业译者水平。This is the first ever system that could be on a par with human professionals in terms of quality and accuracy.这是首个在新闻报道的翻译成质量和准确率上可以媲美人工翻译成的翻译成系统。This is a landmark achievement in the field of natural language processing, said Dr. Huang, who is responsible for Microsofts voice, natural language and machine translation.负责管理微软公司语音、自然语言和机器翻译工作的黄博士回应:“这是自然语言处置领域的一项里程碑式的成就。”Microsofts breakthrough, which takes the machine translation beyond the time of human amateur translators, has advanced seven years ahead of the expectations of numerous researchers.微软公司的这次突破,将机器翻译打破人类业余译者的时间提早了整整7年,相比之下远超过了众多研究人员的预期。

Although the breakthrough is remarkable, Microsoft researchers also remind you that this doesnt mean that humans have completely solved the problem of machine translation, but we can only explain that were closer to the machine.虽然此次突破意义非凡,但微软公司研究人员也警告大家,这并不代表人类早已几乎解决问题了机器翻译的问题,不能解释我们离终极目标又更加将近了一步。In order to be able to obtain a landmark breakthrough in Chinese-English translation, three research groups from the Microsoft Asian Research Institute and the Redmond Research Institute conducted joint innovation across the region and across the area of research.为了需要获得中-英翻译成的里程碑式突破,来自微软公司亚洲研究院和雷德蒙研究院的三个研究组,展开了横跨中美时区、横跨研究领域的牵头创意。

Finally, they find that our system is completely complementary, so that we can benefit from the system combination and ultimately achieve the goal of machine translation to the human level.最后,他们找到我们的系统是几乎有序的,因此可以从系统人组中受益很多,最后构建机器翻译超过人类水平的目标。Based on AI,cloud-computing, smart corpus database and the ongoing development in neuromachine technology, neuromachine translation would be the mainstream media in insofar machine automation translation.有了人工智能、云计算、智能语料数据库和正在研发当中的神经机器技术的护持,神经机器翻译将不会沦为今后的机器翻译的意味著主流。

